Fast. Easy. Flexible...
simply works for you.
is the Rights and License Management Cloud solution making High-End Technology and Industry Best Practices

Manage all of your Licenses, Rights and Royalties in one place

LiVe is Fast.
Live is a pre-configured cloud system ready to go. Starting your LiVe-experience only takes a few clicks. No need to install software or buy hardware. Simply login, use it, and feel the high performance of a bleeding edge in-memory database running at your fingertips.
LiVe is Easy.
Our modern web interface and automation of your daily tasks make your life easier and enable you to get the right information. Anytime. Anywhere.
LiVe is Flexible.
Live is already tailored to your needs based on over 15 years experience in licensing. But if anything might be missing we can adjust LiVe's behaviour to meet your specific requirements and also provide custom applications, made especially for you.
Achieve business excellence with
My LiVe is Complete.
Manage the complete life cycle of all your rights and license contracts from master data through contract creation, product approval, Royalty statements, billing, participations, Licensors shares and more.
LiVe is Efficient.
Fast and effective communication and collaboration with your client throughout the entire licensing process saves time and money.
The Power of LiVe.
Real-time overview of your company's KPIs and powerful analytics will help to make better decisions. Get the information you nedd to develop new business models and new revenue streams.

Our Pledge - Full Transparency
As a manager responsible for the licensing processes of EM.TV I received dozens of coloured sales presentations and slides about new systems that were ultimately not really showing anything.
We have nothing to hide, but rather a lot to show. We want to be respectful of your time, and thererefore, we offer the ability to experience from the beginning what we are talking about, how apps and functions are arranged and what the look and feel is.
If you like what you see, you are welcome to discuss how we can optimize your licensing business.
Andreas Scholten
CEO AScorpi GmbH and former CIO & SVP Rights and Licensing EM.TV & Merchandising AG
in action!
Cloud solution, flexible to your needs
Enjoy a web-based and user-friendly interface with many areas of personalization. Arrange the apps the way you like and how they best fit your needs and working preferences.

Automated sales management
Easily create and manage Licenses, Products and Business Partners along with your Sales Contracts. Various templates reduce administratve worksteps and let you concentrate on productive tasks.
Instantly know what you can sell
Access and analyze all available, missing and sold rights, licenses and products of all your Marks, Titles and Brands immediately at any time. All information you need is at hand for an optimal exploitation of your portfolio.

Complete license and product lifecycles and collaboration
Comunicate and collaborate with managers and creatives during all stages of the product development process. In the product area you can comment on and approve the design, request samples, analyze related licenses, check royalty and sales volume reporting, and more. With LiVe you will never lose track of any update or data.
Realtime analytics
Immediately find all information you need to analyze your business with real-time analytics. See how partners and products perform and control minimum guarantees and royalty recoupment. Keeping control of your business helps you make better decisions.

Fully automated Royalty statements and simplified billing
Period end? Let LiVe send the electronic Royalty sheets to your clients via e-mail. Your clients can fill in the values electronically and send the sheets directly back to LiVe to have the attachments processed automatically, including consistency check, warnings, approval workflow, and billing.
Never miss a royalty statement using our app for missing statement periods by contract, client or others parameters.
More than 40 languages available
The LiVe system fully supports more than 40 languages. Simply choose your language during log-in.
Ready to start?
Big or Small, LiVe makes High-End technology accessible to everyone!
Interested in more about your industry?
Choose your industry and see how LiVe can help you in particular!
Get in touch with us!
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Simply call us. We are looking foward to speaking with you.
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